It was a sad day when I looked up the nutritional value of gin only to discover that I ingest the equivalent of a slice of cheesecake each time I find myself staring at that twist of lemon in the bottom of my glass (it had 100 calories per ounce-and-a-half). Of course, none could argue that the martini takes me to a far, far better place.
Since having children, I’ve stopped drinking soda. If I’m going to ingest empty calories, it damn well better be taking me to a happier place.
Before starting my business, an evening beverage was the norm. Usually I’d fix something as I was cooking dinner – rule number one for cooking is “always season the chef.” Since I’ve had my business and have something productive to engage other parts of my brain than the child-rearing part, I’ve tended to skip the drink because I’ve truly enjoyed tooling around solving computer issues after the kids go to sleep. It’s been a wonderful outlet for me.