Team Sequeira has gone viral, and I don’t mean the “ooh-that’s-a-cool-video” viral, I mean the “mommy-why-does-my-poo-look-li
ke-barf-and-my-barf-smell-like -poo” kind. I’d rather be watching funny cat videos right about now.
It started on Tuesday when Ben got home from school. I could see he looked off. That evening he started barfing. Mick kept an eye on him that night and I slept in the kids’ room with the two healthy ones since it was Mick’s turn in the barrel.
The next morning, we took him into the doctor where he got an IV to combat the dehydration. Twenty-four hours after it started, Ben switched to the diarrhea. At least he had his appetite back. He’s been in diapers since then (it’s now Saturday).
Harry had a couple of liquid burps starting on Thursday. Most of it was because of Team Sequeira’s allergies that cause my gang to wake up with a lot of phlegm in their mouths/throat. They’re not good at coughing it out so it upsets their tummies, hence the barf. It looked like Harry might avoid the virus but, alas, he switched to the diarrhea on Friday.
Lil has been the strongest to resist but on Saturday afternoon, she barfed up as well. At least at her age, she’s able to stay focused enough to run to the bathroom, whereas Ben and Harry just get a sad look on their face as they sit where they are and barf onto themselves, the couch, our bed, etc. We’ve gone through probably fifteen loads of wash these past few days, mostly sanitary cycle.
On the bright side, this couldn’t have come at a better time. I have recently been lamenting how fast time has flown. Lil just turned six and we’re all set for Ben to start full day pre-K and Harry will start two half-days in the fall. As much as I’m not a fan of being covered in barf and shit, these are my babies and I truly enjoy taking care of them. I remember the last time Lil was sick and she and I camped out on the bathroom floor all night so she could wake up and barf into the toilet. That was only a few months ago and I am already fond of those memories. This week has dragged on, painfully so, but as I sit with them as they barf on me, I think about what a precious time this is.