My three year old just couldn’t quite figure out what he wanted this evening. I asked if he wanted ketchup or mustard on his hot dog and he said “Mustard.” When I brought him his hot dog he got mad and said he wanted ketchup, not mustard. After a quick rebuttal, I realized that it was futile so I ate the hot dog with mustard and got him another with ketchup. At this point, he decided he wanted the black bean burger his cousin was eating (she’s in town visiting). I promptly ate the hot dog with ketchup and prepared a black bean burger, giving him a quarter of it so that he doesn’t mangle the rest into something inedible (I, of course, quickly ate the remaining three quarters). Then he argues that he doesn’t like hamburgers, he wants a hot dog…
I ask my niece to take the bigger kids to watch a movie on the computer while I take young Harry upstairs. He and I snuggle in front of a big box fan and he’s crying (and my stomach is gurgling). I feel bad for him – he just can’t figure out what he wants and he can’t find the words for it either. Normally I’d get frazzled in this situation and I’m surprised to have this moment of clarity and understanding instead of getting irritated.
Maybe it’s because it’s tough to be angry on a full stomach.